Our social cause
Certaines causes nous tiennent particulièrement à cœur. Apporter un côté éthique et social à nos événements a été au centre de nos préoccupations dès les prémices de M.I.C.E. spirit. C’est donc tout naturellement que nous proposons de reverser une partie de nos honoraires à une des 2 associations Suisse ci-dessous : Human Project & The Sea Cleaner. Nous vous donnons également la possibilité d’aider une autre association de votre choix si vous êtes déjà parrain ou donateur.
By working with M.I.C.E. Spirit, you make a nice gesture costing you nothing.

Human project
Human Project is a non-profit association in the canton of Geneva.
Its objective is to support the education of young people and children from disadvantaged backgrounds by promoting access to training, creating synergies to fight the feeling of isolation and supporting the economic, educational and health systems of developing countries.

Association of your choice
If you are already a sponsor or donor of an association, M.I.C.E. Spirit undertakes to donate part of its fees to your association.

The Sea Cleaners
The Sea Cleaners association acts to reduce plastic pollution in the oceans. This Swiss association works to collect large quantities of plastic waste products from the oceans as close as possible to sources of pollution before they break down or get lost at the bottom of the ocean, lastingly polluting marine ecosystems with toxins.
M.I.C.E. spirit
To know more about your request, send us an e-mail and we will come back to you as soon as possible.